For the third year in a row I’ve been invited to create artwork for the Imaginative Fiction Writer’s Association’s annual anthology book, In Places Between: The Very Best Short Fiction of When Words Collide. This year I created the front cover illustration and the back cover graphics. I absolute love these projects and from what I heard, my illustration was very well received!
My concept for this year’s cover was to create an old, well lived in space that had elements of the fantastical. At the centre of this warm space is a young woman engrossed reading her book. I’m also infatuated with art nouveau, so included that type of stained glass in the background. I used a mixed media of Copic markers, polychromous pencil crayons, and gouache paint on warm press water colour paper. Some edits in Photoshop were added as well.

Check out the IFWA website to find out more about this fantastic local writer’s group!