
The Old and New Doctor Who Sketch Cards

Doctor Who Art

I love Doctor Who. Always have.

I’ve always also loved Aliens, Star Wars, Star Trek, Predator, Blade Runner… OK you probably guessed a theme of much of what I’ve always loved – Science Fiction. With Doctor Who, and I’m going to date myself here, my first doctor was Tom Baker. Perhaps I’m not being entirely honest here because my first doctor was someone who was on reruns shown on PBS in the States. Anyways, the point here is that I’ve been a fan for a long time and I’m not trying to say it as a measure of what kind of fan I am but rather that personally it has a deep rooted core memory for myself.

David Tennant is My Favourite Doctor

Who’s your favourite Doctor? I’ve read and been told someone’s favourite Doctor is the one they first saw and as Tom Baker was my first he assuradely ranks highly but he’s not my favourite. Flash forward from me being a kid to a grown up and the new iterations of the Doctor are now being aired. I had missed the Eccleston episodes but caught a few random Tennant episodes. They were… magical!

David Tennant brought fun and I was reminded of how much I enjoyed Doctor Who as a kid. I ordered the DVDs (yes, I like analog media) and devoured all the seasons, and I haven’t missed an episode yet! This new found love for it carried over into my art where back in 2015 I drew a sketch card of each of the Doctors up to the then current one, Peter Capaldi.

Doctor Who Trading Card Art

I don’t get a lot of time to draw stuff just for fun. However, when I do I always make sure that stuff is something I enjoy. In this case because I love Doctor Who I decided to draw all the different Doctors on sketch cards and you can buy them in my art shop.

Back in 2015 I drew one sketch card for each of the Doctors. Shortly after drawing them I sold a few, including one of David Tennant. As I knew Tennant was returning as the Doctor I thought I’d return to this little project and draw him, although I know I still need to draw Jodi who was truly wonderful in the role as well! I have priced the older sketch cards at $45 Canadian and the latest one of Tennant at $85. You can purchase any of these through my art shop but please contact me if you’d like to purchase more than two as I will offer you a 20% discount.

Older Doctor Who Art Sketch Cards for Purchase

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